Faker Face
The Faker Face is an elegant and fruity spirit-free cocktail. One thing I really appreciate about this libation in particular is its inconspicuous presentation. Served “up” in a chilled cocktail coupe, the Faker Face is a mixture of grenadine, lime juice, orange juice, and topped with club soda. Because there are so few ingredients, it is imperative that you use a quality grenadine; there are many brands out there, but it’s also easy enough make some yourself. By that same token, using fresh citrus juice is also a must since that’s half of the ingredients. When it comes preparation, I recommend shaking to both chill and incorporate ingredients, but, to avoid unnecessary explosions, be sure to refrain from adding club soda into the shaker prior to shaking. Instead, I recommend either adding it directly to glassware or the shaker tin (after you’ve already shaken the ingredients). With regards to the garnish, the original recipe calls for a blackberry balanced between two toothpicks. Although this choice in garnish lacks any connection to the ingredients themselves, it delivers a pleasing visual. But don’t take my word for it, make one and try it yourself!
Faker Face
In your shaker, combine the grenadine, lime juice, and orange juice.
0.75 oz of Grenadine
0.75 oz of Lime Juice
1 oz of Orange Juice
1.5 oz of Club Soda to top
Add ice to your shaker and shake until it develops a frost. Double-strain contents (by pouring the contents from the shaker through a fine mesh strainer) into your chilled coupe glass and top with club soda. Garnish with a blackberry.